2023 Term 3 Week 7 Newsletter
Prayer Focus

From the Principal
Book Week
We extend a heartfelt thank you to all the parents and families who were able to attend our Book Week Celebration. It was truly heartwarming to witness parents participating in classroom activities and sharing lunch with their children. The event brought joy to all who attended.

Father's Day
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Dad's, Grandad's and other significant males a very Happy Father's Day on Sunday. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Father's Day Breakfast BBQ on Friday.
Regular school attendance has a significant impact on a child's education journey. The Education Department aims for a 95% attendance rate in every school. Presently, our attendance rate stands at 89%. To support our students' learning, we kindly request parents not to drop off their children late or pick them up early, as this is recorded as a partial absence. Starting from Term 4 2023, students with 100% attendance will be recognised with a letter/certificate presented during each term's final assembly. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in helping us achieve improved attendance.

We offer our condolences to Michelle Henry whose father (William Henry) sadly passed away this week. Michelle has been supporting her father throughout his illness and we keep the Henry family in our thoughts and prayers at this time.

Caroline Lewis
Parent Forum

School Disco
A huge thank you to everyone for supporting our school Disco last term. We raised $2582 which is a fantastic effort. Thank you also to the businesses who donated prizes and produce: Dolphin Marine Magic, Mo Tackle, Coffs Harbour Fishermen’s Co-op, Tango and Woolgoolga Woolworths.
School Fete
The Fete taking place next term is our next big fundraiser, with preparations in full swing. We have a small but dedicated group of parents on the Forum who have been working hard to make our Fete a big success but WE NEED YOUR HELP! Each class has been allocated a stall to run on the day. We are in need of at least one parent per class to help coordinate each stall. This would include liaising with other families to source resources or donations required to run the stall and help to recruit volunteers on the day. Currently we still require volunteers for 3/4 Red, 5/6 Blue, 5/6 White and 5/6 Red . Volunteers will be supported by the Parent Forum and school to organise stalls. Below is a list of stalls and the current parent coordinators:

If you would like to help coordinate any of the stalls (even if there is already someone listed), please contact the school - many hands make light work! It is not essential that volunteers have students in that class.
Keep your eyes peeled for information coming in the next few weeks as we will start collecting donations for the White Elephant, Tombola and Crazy Hair stalls soon.
If you haven’t already, be sure to add Saturday, October 21 to your calendar!

Yarrow Wade
Parent Forum
Faith & Mission
School Vision Statement
One of our current school improvement goals is to review and update our school vision to ensure it aligns with what we value and offer as a school community. Our school mission is in line with the Catholic Schools Office: Enabling students to achieve the fullness of life (John 10:10).
We would like to invite parents to provide feedback on our updated school vision statement via the google form below:
At St Francis Xavier School, we are a faith-filled community where all members serve every learner to become loving, resilient, active contributors to our world and our future by living out Christ’s message.
First Communion
Congratulations to the students who received the Sacrament of First Communion at St Francis Xavier Church on Sunday.

First Sunday Family Mass
Everyone is invited to come along and celebrate Mass this Sunday - what a great way to kick off Father’s Day! There will be children’s liturgy during Mass and morning tea for all families and parishioners afterwards. Kindergarten and Stage 1 will be hosting.

Congratulations Tigerlily on winning 4th place in your Physical Culture competition last weekend!

We love to celebrate and share Good News so if you have a Good News story (sporting, cultural, community service etc.) to share, please email details and a photo to Katrina Ryan katrina.ryan@lism.catholic.edu.au
Good News Stories are published in the newsletter and posted to Facebook and Instagram.
Katrina Ryan
Assistant Principal Mission
All Things Learning & Teaching
Science Week Round Up
Our students had a wonderful time during Science Week recently. Take a look at Kindergarten making rain. The wonders of Science!
Term 3 Speech Competition
This term our Stage 2 and Stage 3 students have been working on speeches in preparation for the annual Clarence Regional School Public Speaking Competition. Students have been presenting these in class over the last weeks and this week our school finals have taken place.
The competition has been conducted in year groups on the following topics;
Year 3 Time Limit: 2 Minutes
Topic: If I had three wishes ...
Year 4 Time Limit: 2 Minutes
Topic: A perfect day for me...
Year 5 Time Limit: 3 Minutes
Topic: I love it when…
Year 6 Time Limit: 3 Minutes
Topic: Fifty years from now...
Congratulations to the following students who have progressed through to the Stage finals:
Stage 2: Bonnie O’Neill, Sam Ewart, Daniel Sullivan, Bobby McGuiggan, Leo Wakefield, Willow Simpson, Georgia Winn, Olivia Toovey-Powditch, Josie Hargraves, Nivaran Dosanjh, Lachlan Turnbull, Harshind Rai, Sophie Thick, Emily Ashcroft, Lacey Keam, Mila Jimenez.
Stage 3: Ava Hunter, Eve Little, Olive Hargraves, Jeevan Arkan, Maggie Winn, Paige Booth, Ky Swann.
Unfortunately, only one speaker from each grade will be eligible to take part at the next level held at St John Paul College on Monday 11th September. These students will be competing against finalists from Mary Help of Christians Sawtell, St Augustine’s Coffs Harbour, St James Yamba, St Mary’s Bellingen, St Joseph’s Maclean, St Patrick's Macksville, St Joseph’s South Grafton, St Mary’s Grafton, St Mary’s Bowraville and Mount St John’s Dorrigo.
All students have really embraced the opportunity to further develop their oral skills this year and the teachers couldn’t be prouder. School winners will be announced on Friday this week. Well done Stage 2 and 3!

Sharon de Dassel
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching
Spotlight on High Potential Learning

2023 Book Week Winners!
The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) was founded in 1945 to promote Australian authors and illustrators. The following year, the CBCA introduced the annual Book of the Year Awards to promote high-quality literary and artistic books. For one glorious week each year, schools across Australia participate in various activities and competitions related to books and reading. This year, the Stage 3 Books and Arts Team helped to run a Book Week Competition in all Stages. There were many wonderful, high-quality entries which made the task of judging a winner, a very difficult one!
Congratulations to the following students:
Eve Little (Stage 3), Lacey Keam (Stage 2), Ethan Sabri (Stage 1) and Ruby Winn (Kindergarten)
Runners Up:
Maggie Winn & Sandy Bullock (Stage 3), Aayliah Dosanjh (Stage 2), Zac Snedden (Stage 1) and Oscar Sandwell (Kindergarten)
To ensure our students continue to have a selection of quality Australian literature to read, we purchase the shortlisted books nominated by the CBCA each year. These books are on display in the library and students are welcome to borrow these to read at home.

Suzie Coster
Leader of Learning HPL
Communicating Diversity
Stage 1 Gurdwara Temple & Museum Excursion
Another big thank you to our local Sikh community for providing our Stage 1 students with the valuable opportunity to learn about local culture. Connecting this excursion with our Geography unit this term, students now understand more about Woolgoolga’s local people and the significance of the contribution to our diverse culture here. This is what some Stage 1 students had to say about the day…
“We learnt the different sounds of the instruments.” -Richie
“I saw my sister’s picture on the wall at the museum!” -Snaira
“We learned about Indian music.” -Fred
“We saw some paintings of tigers.” -Chloe
“I liked when we ate the food, it was so yummy!”-Charanjot

Laura Cooke
Leader of EAL / D
A Focus on Inclusion
Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week
This week is the Australian Teacher Aid Appreciation Week (28 Aug-1 Sep).
We would like to take a moment to say thank you to ALL of the the amazing support staff that we have at St Francis Xavier school who work to support our students, staff and the school community.
Robyn, Lainie, Niki, Dave, Kylie, Mel, Hayley, Di, Emily, Amy, Amanda, Alee and Caroline B - each of you show such commitment and dedication to your job at our school. We appreciate your work!!!

Fiona Jupp
Leader of Inclusion
Barney Barselaar Cup
This year we had seven schools participate in the BB Cup. The BB Cup is a soccer competition that is played in the spirit of friendship and good-natured competition, to honour the memory of Barney, a student of St Francis Xavier who sadly passed away fifteen years ago, aged 9. This year was extra special as Barney’s brother Ben played in our school team. Although St Francis Xavier didn’t come home with the Cup, it was a nail biting finish with the score being nil all at full time which meant Bishop Druitt College and St Francis Xavier went to a penalty shootout. The final result was Bishop Druitt College securing 4 goals and St Francis Xavier kicking 3 goals. The day wouldn’t have been possible without Barney’s Dad and Uncle who refereed the entire day.

Sarah Jennings
Leader of Sport
Playgroup Update
Playgroup has been running for three weeks now, every Thursday morning from 9am-10am.
It has been wonderful to see so many families attending both from our school and from the wider community. Everyone is welcome, from babies to preschoolers!
Playgroup Program
In the Library (Casey Learning Centre)
- Storytime
- Craft/Music - During this time we also encourage you to help your child choose a book to borrow from our Preschool bookcase located at the library desk inside.
- Playground equipment/nature playground
- BYO fruit/snack
Parents and carers may take their child/children out to the grass area for fruit or a snack (please bring your own) and the children can play on the playground equipment outside Kindergarten or visit the nature playground. You are welcome to stay until 11:00am which is the school lunch break.
During the term we will be having guest storytellers, including Mrs Lewis and some live music from Mrs Ryan in Week 7. Can’t wait!
To support our Playgroup we ask if you could give a gold coin donation or purchase a coffee, tea or hot chocolate from the canteen.
Mrs Burbridge has been cooking special treats for sale each week and is ready and able to supply coffees/hot chocolate/tea and a treat for the parents before or after Storytime and Craft! We have an EFTPOS machine for your convenience.
Please use the toilets at the Hall. There is also a baby change table there.
Playgroup is not just for our children but also for the mums, dads, grandparents and carers to get to know each other. Our aim is to build community so please know that you are all very welcome at St Francis Xavier School.
Helen Hunt
Playgroup Coordinator

Canteen News
Canteen Roster
If you would like to volunteer in the Canteen on a Wednesday or a Friday from 9am-10.15am or 10.15am-11.30am please contact the school office on 66541981 or click on the link below.
All volunteers will receive a free morning tea and coffee!

Gold Token winner
Well done to all token recipients this week and congratulations to our Gold Token winner. Keep up the great work everyone!