2022 Term 4 Week 1 Newsletter
Prayer Focus

Term 4 Date Saver

Disclaimer: Please be sure to check the school calendar regularly for the most up to date information and for new additions. The school calendar can be accessed via the website, the newsletter and on the Compass App.

Term 4 Assembly Dates & Times
Due to a number of factors affecting timetabling this term, there will be some changes to Assembly times. Please see below.

From the Acting Principal
Welcome to Term 4
I would like to welcome all our families back and extend a warm welcome to new families who have joined us. Term 4 is traditionally a busy term and this year is no exception. Please ensure that you continue to look at the dates published for upcoming events this term, as calenders do fill up fast.
Moving into the term, Warren Niethe will be on leave for the remainder of Term 4 and I will be continuing in the role of Acting Principal.
The Leadership Team for Term 4 will be:
- Sharon de Dassel - Acting Principal
- Katrina Ryan - Assistant Principal
In 2023 we will return to the triad model of leadership.
St Francis Xavier is a beautiful school community, one which I feel very blessed to be part of. I look forward to connecting with as many families as possible as we head towards the end of the school year and thank all students, families and staff who make this such an amazing place to be each and every day.
Sharon de Dassel
Acting Principal
All Things Learning & Teaching

School Review
This term our school will take part in a School Review, which is a wonderful opportunity for our school.
As a result we will join the ranks of a number of other schools in our diocese who have undergone the same process. In Week 3 we will welcome the School Review panel, who will visit on Tuesday 25 October, Wednesday 26 October and Thursday 27 October.
The panel consists of:
Ms Roberta Barbe - Independent panel leader (Australian Council of Educational Research member)
Mr John O’Brien - Principal, St Mary's Primary School, Casino
Mrs Jenny Triglone - Lead, Improvement and Performance, CSO, Lismore
The panel will spend three days talking with leadership, interviewing most staff members, family representatives and students.
They will walk through classrooms and have ongoing discussions with leadership and staff to ask questions and provide supportive and constructive feedback.
The Review will be a great opportunity to reflect on the qualities and culture that characterise the strengths of St Francis Xavier, as well as assisting the school to consider potential opportunities for school improvement over the next 3 years.
Recent Staff Development Days
This is what a typical pupil free day looks like at St Francis Xavier. Monday (and on the last day of Term 3) staff worked collaboratively on the creation of a data wall as part of our whole school focus on the teaching and tracking of achievement and growth in writing.

Faith & Mission
Socktober is Catholic Mission’s annual fundraiser and this year we will be supporting it by wearing crazy socks and making sockballs for a Sockball Shootout on Wednesday, October 26. This year, money raised for Catholic Mission through Socktober will be supporting children and families in Ethiopia.
Students will be making homemade soccerballs in class and are asked to bring in recycled items from home eg. old (clean) socks and T-shirts, bubblewrap, plastic bags, bread bags and string.
T-shirts pre-cut into strips are also great for tying the sockballs together.
This year we are inviting families to come along and participate in the fun, either as spectators or guest goalies for the Sockball Shootout at 11.50am. If you would like to volunteer as a guest goalie, please email Katrina Ryan (katrina.ryan@lism.catholic.edu.au) by Friday, October 21.

Rosary Month
October is dedicated as the Month of the Rosary because we celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary each year on October 7. The Rosary is a special prayer where Mary intercedes for us as we reflect on the life of Jesus. On Thursday, our students had the opportunity to pray a Walking Rosary, giving them time to reflect on the Joyful Mysteries.

Katrina Ryan
Assistant Principal Mission
Communicating Diversity
Diwali Festival
This month many of our St Francis Xavier community members will be celebrating a special day called Diwali. Sikhs, Hindus and Jains around the word will be celebrating this five day festival of lights that symbolises new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil, and light over darkness.
At St Francis Xavier we celebrate with craft and learning about this special festival in our classes. If you are able to assist us with our learning by sharing some of your knowledge, family traditions, or helping us with our Diwali craft, please contact the school office on 66541981.

Laura Cooke
Leader of EAL / D
A Focus on Inclusion

This week is National Mental Health Week
Awareness. Belonging. Connection.
Mental ill health is a growing problem in Australia. Looking after your mental health and wellbeing and knowing how to support others, has never been more important.
Good mental health is when we can cope with the stressors of our daily lives, participate in loving relationships, contribute to our community, and work towards our goals. Everyone has mental health. And we can all benefit from looking after our own mental health and the mental health of our communities.
This World Mental Health Day – October 10 – the message is simple: “Look after your mental health, Australia.”
Need more information?
Head to Health www.headtohealth.gov.au
Black Dog www.blackdoginstitute.org.au
Headspace www.eheadspace.org.au
R U OK? www.ruok.org.au
ReachOut www.au.reachout.com
Embrace Multicultural Mental Health www.embracementalhealth.org.au
Next week is National Carer’s Week

Carers are people who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental health condition, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged – anyone at any time can become a carer.
Thank you to all of the families in our school community who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who need support on a day to day basis. Our community values what you do.
National Carers Week is an opportunity to raise community awareness among all Australians about the diversity of carers and their caring roles.
National Carers Week is an initiative of Carers Australia, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and coordinated with the assistance and participation of the National Carer Network.
Fiona Jupp
Leader of Inclusion
Sporting Roundup
Stage 2 & 3 Elective Sport
Stage 2 & 3 Elective Sports will take place on Friday 21 October, Friday, 4 November and Friday 11 November. For all information regarding Elective Sports including consent and payment, please click on 'Events' in the Compass App at your earliest convenience. Crossfit and Gymnastics Events have been published today, Surfing and Beach Walking Events will be published on Monday.

Summer of Surf World Cup
Stage 3 will attend the Summer of Surf World Cup at Woolgoolga Beach on Thursday, 27 October. Students will watch the International Sprint Challenge and then particpate in the School Community Water Safety Program. An Event will be sent to parents via Compass. For further information on the Summer of Surf World Cup please click on the link below.
Basketball Equipment
Thank you to the Sport and Play Team and some students from Stage 1 for helping to get our new basketball equipment ready for class and playground use.

Tiffany Wishart
Leader of Sport
Payment of School Fees
Direct Debit Requests ceased on 30th June, 2022. If you have not already done so, please commence school fee payments using BPAY (preferred option) or via your Compass App. You can check how much is owing on your account by tapping on 'School Fees' in your Compass App. Statements will be emailed out to families early in Term 4. If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact the school on 66541981.

Canteen Volunteers

Thank you to the volunteers who have helped out recently in the school Canteen. We need more volunteers and we need volunteers more often.
If you would like to volunteer in the Canteen on a Wednesday or a Friday from 9am-11am or even just for an hour after school drop off, please contact the school office on 66541981.
Caroline Burbridge
Canteen Supervisor
Year 6 Camp
This year's Year 6 Camp will be a 4 day exciting fun-filled energetic team-building experience based around our Personal Development and Health program.
Year 6 will attend the Gold Coast Performance Centre from Monday, 7 November until Thursday, 10 November.
For all information regarding the camp including completion of medical details, attendance and payment plan, please click on 'Events' in your Compass App at your earliest convenience.
Gold Token winners
Well done to all token recipients this week and congratulations to the Gold Token winners. Keep up the great work everyone!

Music Tuition