2021 Term 4 Week 6 Newsletter
Prayer Focus

From the Principal
Kindergarten Orientation
Jesus said,'Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.' (Matthew 19:14 NRSV)
This beautiful gospel scripture passage took on even more relevance as we welcomed our first group of Kindergarten children to “big school” yesterday. Their Orientation Day went very smoothly with each child confidently taking their first step on their primary schooling journey. I would like to commend the children’s families and our staff for making the transition such an amazingly positive experience. We look forward to welcoming the second group in two weeks.

Taking into consideration current COVID-19 restrictions, planning an Orientation Day this year has been extremely challenging and much work was done to ensure its success. However, seeing the children’s smiles and enthusiasm in the Kindergarten classrooms most definitely made it all worthwhile.
School Website
Please note that our current school website has a number of technical glitches. Many of the pages appear to be not working properly, however, the majority of the links are operational e.g. the Enrolment Form. The good news is that our administration team is feverishly constructing a new school website. Unfortunately, at this point in time there is no set completion date. I will notify the school community when the new school website is up and running. In the meantime, I thank you for your patience.

Yours in Faith,
Warren Niethe
All Things Learning & Teaching
World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is celebrated on 13 November and promotes good deeds and acts of kindness. It celebrates all that we can do for others. St Francis Xavier students have been taking part in World Kindness Day by doing a random act of kindness. Throughout the school little reminders have stimulated lots of conversation and acts of kindness great and small.

A few gentle reminders
Our beautiful students are all growing up and possibly starting to outgrow their school uniforms. Please note that there are limited second hand items available for purchase from the Office.
It has also been noted that over the past few weeks some gentle reminders have been necessary around the uniform policy. See below for clarity.
Girls may wear one set of either plain sleepers or plain studs in their ears.
Boys/Girls can wear a Cross or Medal.
Leather jewellery is not permitted.
Both boys and girls are to tie back all longer hair styles. Once hair gets to a length that it can be tied back it needs to be tied back.
Thank you everyone, let’s wear our St Francis Xavier uniform with pride.
Sharon de Dassel
Assistant Principal Learning & Teaching
Faith & Mission

Remembrance Day
Stages gathered yesterday to recognise Remembrance Day with a Liturgy and a minute’s silence following the Last Post. Students also made poppies. Below is a prayer and song taken from the Liturgy.
Almighty God, we remember with thanksgiving, those who made the supreme sacrifice for us in times of war. We pray that their offering of their lives may not have been in vain. May your grace enable us to dedicate ourselves to the cause of justice, freedom and peace; and give us the wisdom and strength to build a better world. Amen.

Bespoke Cross
Today saw the installation of our new bespoke cross, completing the reinvigoration of the front entrance to our school. We are very proud of our school and our Catholic identity. The new lettering, signage and cross look fantastic and also serve as a reminder that we are a community of faith. Thanks to Garreth from Big Garden Furniture for creating such a beautiful piece for us.

Katrina Ryan
Leader of Evangelisation
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Understanding the power of our choices and the impact of consequences for our actions is an important part of Positive Behaviour Support at St Francis Xavier.
Students are familiar with this flowchart that outlines the consequences of our choices. Students learn that the impact of making good choices has many natural consequences that support a healthy, happy lifestyle. We have added other incentives like our tokens and stamps that make learning respectful behaviours a little more fun! Taking time to speak to your child about the power of positive choices is a great way to facilitate discussions about the importance of decision making.

Sporting Roundup
Elective Sports
Elective Sports for Stages 2 & 3 started today and will run for the next four weeks concluding on Friday, 3 December.
For the students who selected Surfing as their Elective Sport, each week they are expected to bring the following:
Please bring:
Thongs/slides (for walking to and from the beach)
Rash Shirt (wetsuits will be provided if needed)
School Hat
Underwear to change into (if they come to school in swimmers)
Sunscreen (if your child is allergic to regular sunscreen)
Please ensure ALL ITEMS ARE LABELLED with your child's name.
If the weather conditions are not suitable for surfing, it will be postponed to another day and the students will complete sporting activities at school instead.
Please note that sports equipment from home should not be brought to school. We have plenty of sports equipment at school and it is not required.
Rebel Active Memberships
Thank you to families for your continued support by nominating our school when you buy sports equipment at Rebel Sport. This enables us to buy new equipment regularly for playground use.

Gold Token winners
Well done to all token recipients this week and congratulations to the Gold Token winners!

Certificates of Recognition
Congratulations to all Certificate of Recognition recipients for Week 6. Keep up the great work everyone!

Parish Schools Office reminders
Each year the Parish Schools Office have a prize draw for all families who have their school fee payment plan up to date. The next prize draw will take place in January 2022.
If there are any families who will not be returning to St Francis Xavier Primary School in 2022 please advise the school office on 6654 1981 as soon as possible.

Parent Assembly
Seasonal Activities for your Family
Parent Assembly are providing free activity kits to help your family get into the seasonal spirit. Scan the QR code or click on the link in the pdf to select which kit or kits you would like to have posted to your family.