2021 Term 2 Week 8 Newsletter
Prayer Focus

From the Principal
Standing in Solidarity
What an amazing evening on Wednesday! I feel such a sense of pride in our school community after coming together in such a respectful manner and in support of the Sikh community here in Woolgoolga.
Even though throughout the evening I thanked people in a public sense, I would like to again offer my gratitude to all that made Wednesday so special. These are the enduring memories that will remain with us all.
All Things Learning & Teaching

Music News
Last week Bonnie and Eli from Year 6 attended a composition workshop at Mary Help of Christians. Over the course of the two days, they collaborated with students from St Augustines, Mary Help of Christians and St John Paul College and came away with three songs written and recorded as demos. The songs will be used as part of the program for a combined schools concert to be held in Term 4. It was a fantastic day of creativity and sharing. The school choir started working on material for the concert this week. We can’t wait to hear the finished products performed live by hundreds of students, accompanied by a live band! Watch this space!

Unpacking School Reports
Last week in the newsletter we mentioned that reports will be uploaded to the Parent Portal in Week 10. Please ensure you are familiar with accessing the parent portal. If you require assistance please contact the school.
For Stages 1,2 and 3 in Key Learning Areas there will be a 5 point common grade scale; please see below. Also, please note that a ‘C’ grade indicating the student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main content, this highlights that the student is working at Stage level and this is a very positive result.
Celebrating your child's achievements certainly helps to build a sense of self confidence and contributes to positive engagement in future learning. Reports are a reflection of the learning that has taken place so far as well as an indication of the ‘where to next’.
We all continue to learn each and every day, let's embrace and celebrate that learning.

Representing Faith in The Future through Artwork
Year 6 had the wonderful opportunity to work with renowned artist Mr David Ogg who works with many of our schools K-12 throughout the Diocese. The students created individual, as well as collaborative pieces of artwork that focus on their faith now and into the future.

Faith & Mission
Congratulations to these students who received the sacrament of First Eucharist last weekend.

The sacrament of Confirmation will take place on 11th and 12th August. Students in Years 3-6 who have been Baptised are eligible for Confirmation. Please register for Confirmation via the link below by Tuesday, 15th July. Information about Confirmation will be sent home next week to families who have registered. If you have any questions about Confirmation, please contact Katrina Ryan.

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea
Revised fundraising total: $1285!

Spotlight on High Potential Learning
On Monday Stage 3 High Potential Learning students attended their last St John Paul College session for the Term. The students joined with Mary Help of Christians and St Augustines and participated in round-robin science workshops. Students were challenged to observe and investigate various scientific concepts of physics, in particular the area of electricity and magnetism.

Positive Behaviour Support
Our PBS focus this fortnight is appreciating differences. Students are learning about valuing diversity, seeing another person’s perspective and embracing what makes us unique.
Stage 1 students were asked, What makes you different?
This is what they had to say:
Satkar is different because she has her own style and doesn’t copy anybody else.
Harper is an inventor who likes Judo and Karate.
Nivaran likes the swings at gymnastics.
George likes to stay up late in bed instead of going to sleep at night.
Poppie likes the bars at gymnastics.
Saachi had club feet for six and a quarter years.
Ella has a different birthday than her friends and family.
We love what makes us different!

Sporting Roundup
Polding Cross Country
Well Done to Ellie White who placed 9th and Ava Hunter who placed 30th at Polding Cross Country this week at Eastern Creek. We are extremely proud of your efforts.
Get into Rugby Program
This week Kinder, Year 1 and Year 2 finished the ‘Get into Rugby’ program for this Term. They had lots of fun and showed great enthusiasm and sportsmanship.

Gold Token Winners