2021 Term 2 Week 4 Newsletter
Prayer Focus

From the Principal
Standing in solidarity
After hearing of the terrible news stories that are coming out of India at present, I am proposing that as a school we mark this moment in history and stand in solidarity with the people of India.
As a catholic school it is our mission to support those who are marginalised in our community and across the globe. On Wednesday, 9 June we will be hosting a vigil in prayer and song to show our support. ALL ARE WELCOME.
Please contact the school office if you have any queries or would like further information or email me directly at troy.baker@lism.catholic.edu.au
Climate Change - Day of Action
“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.” Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ - On Care for Our Common Home
In May each year, there is a day of action for climate change across our country. Events are being hosted locally and as a Catholic school community we will be supporting climate change action and care for our common home.
Our intention is that we will be acknowledging the need for action as stewards of this Earth. Teachers will spend the day having discussions about this issue in our classrooms and across the day at school on Friday, 21 May.
Prayers please
We are requesting prayers from our school community for Dashton in Year 3 who is currently unwell and in Westmead Hospital. Get well soon Dash.
All Things Learning & Teaching
Classroom Lens On - Kindergarten
Investigations, fun, laughter and love are all evident in our Kindergarten rooms. This week we focussed on Kindergarten's learning space and what a wonderful environment it is to begin a learning journey.

NAPLAN on Track
This week Year 3 and Year 5 students have completed the English components of the NAPLAN test. We are so proud of the way they have conducted themselves.
The last NAPLAN test for our students will be Numeracy on Tuesday, 18 May.
National Simultaneous Storytime
National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 21st successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6.
We look forward to participating.

Musica Viva Upcoming Visit
Adventures in Antarctica is a performance for the whole school on Thursday, 27 May. This performance will allow students to explore sounds from a frozen world.
Alice Giles and Liena Lacey will guide students through the frozen wonder of this fascinating continent with sounds of the harp, seals, penguins, water, wind and ice. Watch footage from Alice’s own Antarctic expedition and hear music by Australian composers – written specifically to be performed in Antarctica – with the odd sea shanty included. Get your penguin flippers ready, as every student will be invited to discover the sound of the harp with their own hands.
Faith and Mission
Stage 1
Stage 1 created some artwork this week inspired by John 8:12 "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser
On Thursday, May 27 St Francis Xavier School will be hosting a Biggest Morning Tea at 9.30am at Woolgoolga Beach Reserve to raise money for the Cancer Council. St Francis Xavier families and the wider Woolgoolga community are invited to attend. Visit the Hub Cafe to grab a take away coffee (they will be donating a portion of proceeds from coffee sales on the day), head across to the park for something yummy to go with it and enjoy a chat, the view and the sunshine (fingers crossed), all while helping to support a worthy cause. Please share the word!
We are in need of donations to assist us with this event.
- Baked goods (more information regarding the donation of baked goods will be sent out next week)
- Succulent cuttings
- Interesting cups/mugs
Students will pot the succulents into the cups/mugs at school in the week before the Morning Tea.
Please supply succulent cuttings and cups/mugs to the school office by Friday, 21 May.

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Our schoolwide PBS focus this week is around maintaining friendships. Stage 1 students brainstormed qualities of a good friend and read one of our favourite books about friendship, ‘Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley.’ We shared our ideas about friendship in a yarning circle. Here’s what some of our students had to say:
“I would like a friend who is nice and caring and plays with me.” -Mia B.
“ Someone who is kind, nice and funny.” -Toby
“Somebody to care for.” -Harshind
“I want to have a friend who is very kind and happy.” -Nivaran
“A friend who’s trustworthy.” -Daniel.
“A friend who makes you feel at home.” -Keerat
“I like a friend who apologises to you.” - Amelia
“I need a friend who is resilient and doesn’t mind if I play with someone else.” -Sage
“Be a good friend when they’re upset, you look after them and try to cheer them up.” -Mackenzie

Sporting Roundup
Sporting events coming up:
- Thursday of Weeks 5-8 Whole School ‘Get into Rugby’ Program
- Friday, 28 May - Athletics Carnival
Walk Safely To School Day
National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) was held today. Now in its 22nd year, the annual campaign encourages all primary school children, their parents and carers to walk safely and regularly to school. The event seeks to promote road safety, health, public transport and the environment. This morning, our teachers walked with students from the corner of Ocean and Queen Streets and the corner of Scarborough and Gordon Streets to school for this event.

Gold Token Winner

Position Vacant - Parish Office
Administration Support OHSC
Coffs Harbour Parish Office is looking for an Administration Support person for the Out of School Hours Care service located at St Augustine’s Primary School, Coffs Harbour.
The position will provide a career in administration and accounting with this dynamic child care service that serves not only the school community but the Coffs Harbour community at large.
The important skills and experience for candidates to have are past experience in office administration, accounting skills (the service uses the Xero accounting package) and ability to work as part of a team in a busy office environment.
The position is part time, four days per week at 6 hours per day with the possibility of additional casual hours as an OSHC Educator.
Please contact Krystal Morris at cofhp-oshc@lism.catholic.edu.au or 0499 933 161 for enquiries, to access a role description and to submit your application.
Applications will be accepted until Monday, 31 May 2021.
Family Faith Retreat

Kindergarten Enrolment 2022